Partner Program

Dear Potential Partner,
I know your time is valuable, so I’ll cut right to the chase. On this website I will go over who we are, what we do and how you can work with us. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime.
We’re here to help!

Who We Are

We’re Tactical Traps. See the picture above this text? That’s our warehouse. Pretty…isn’t it? For a warehouse at least. Anyway, we’re located at 11000 Virginia St. in the beautiful city of Crown
Point Indiana.

We’re about a mile from one of the tallest freestanding American Flags in the Midwest…right off I65. This is the new warehouse we’ll use to store your inventory (we pay for it) and ship to your customers. If you’re ever in the area come on by and say hi.
Here’s some interesting facts about us…

  • For the past 7 years we’ve been the fastest growing furniture concealment company in the country. With over 340 million views to our videos on Facebook and YouTube, product placement in movies and documentaries, and thousands and thousands of five-star reviews- we’re the authority in this industry bar none.
  • We own and control all distribution and pricing of our products in all 50 states. We sell them at our location in Indiana… and we sell them online on our website. We sell a TON of them!
  • Powerful Brand Identity: For the past 34 months, we have averaged 19,449 daily visitors to our online store, equating to approximately 583,472 people each month who are familiar with, and trust, our brand.
  • Proven Seller: Over 250,000 units have been sold, utilizing a simple 5-second demonstration video.
  • Tactical Traps has already established itself as the #1 seller online, achieving impressive conversion rates of 1-3%. Just imagine the potential with in person/word of mouth sales (that’s where you come in), where conversion rates range from 20%to 40% with no competing or similar products on the shelves.

What We Do

See the picture above? That’s part of our workshop. It’s hard to see it all but we have over 2500 units inside waiting to go to customers in the next few days. Those could easily be yours.

What we offer is high end furniture that safely conceals your firearms or other valuables in plain sight. It could be a shelf you hang on the wall. Mirror. Flag. Clock. Table. Want to know something else? We’re the only company in this industry that puts out furniture quality products which leads to happy customers and repeat buyers. You’ll be proud to promote these products.

Why Now Is A Great Time To Be In This Business
  • You’ve got an exciting product that people actually want, with over 82,880,000 potential customers! Could you imagine that?
    That’s 1 out of every 2 American households.
  • You’ve got a product that sells itself with a simple 5 second demonstration. No sales scripts, no trying to convince anyone of anything. It’s SHOW and SALE. It’s that simple.
  • You’ve got a product that’s a PROVEN seller. You’ve seen our ads (we spend millions on them). You’ve seen our Shark Tank video with Kevin Harrington. You’ve seen our products being sold all over Amazon and other online marketplaces. And you’ve seen this over and over for the past 8 years.
  • You’ve got the opportunity to own exclusive distribution rights in your area. This means you’ll never have to worry about competing with your neighbor, Bob, down the street or anyone else. You’ll literally be the only game in town.
  • You’ve got an opportunity with built in Profit Protection. This means you never run the risk of not being able to sell what you have because we pay for and carry all your inventory.
  • You’ve got a product that could save HUMAN lives in two different ways. For one…it can help keep guns out of the wrong hands…and two it can help protect an entire household by keeping their firearms at arms distance…instead of locked away in a safe they can’t get to in time.
  • You’ve got an “evergreen market” with over 250,000 guns (not even counting gun shows) sold every week. Do the math…we’re talking 1 million new guns a month that need a place to be stored. That doesn’t even count the other 300+ million guns in people’s houses now. The bottom line is there are plenty of opportunities in your home town to stake your claim.
  • You’ve got a product with multiple uses. We designed our cabinetry with firearms in mind but many of our customers use them to store emergency cash, jewelry, documents and even prescriptions.
  • You’ve got a product that keeps selling for you after the sale…allowing you to earn more and more commission without having to do anything. The majority of our revenue comes from word of mouth and customers buying several units after the first sale. It will work the same way for you.
How The Distributor Program Works
  1. We approve your application and get you a contract that protects your area.
  2. After the contract is signed, you put up a $2997 fully refundable good faith deposit. It basically works like a security deposit for inventory and marketing materials we are going to send you. Again, this is not a cost or expense…it’s a refundable deposit.
  3. We set up an onboarding call with you.
  4. We send you our top selling (1 of each) products. You’ll use these to show and more than likely use yourself. They are super cool.
  5. You show the product. For some people this is just word of mouth or simple social media posts. For others it’s taking it to gun shows and setting up a booth, while writing off the expense as “working vacation” on their taxes. It’s up to you on how you do it. If you’re approved- we’ll give you many more ideas that I can’t put in this public document.
  6. You process your customers orders through your Tactical Traps payment portal. We take care of all that for you. All you have to do is type in their credit card number or they can do it themselves. It’s simple and efficient.
  7. In your portal you’ll see exactly what was sold and how much you are owed to the penny. In the beginning you will make 100% commission on all products until your deposit is returned to you. Like I said, it’s fully refundable. After that you will earn 70% commissions for life
  8. On the first of the month, we’ll send you a check or ACH. Your choice.

How Much Do You Get Paid

I told you about the products and went over the percentages you’re getting per sale. Would you like to see some examples in dollars and cents?
I’ll just go over a few of them for now. The rest of the product line is confidential and only available to distributors but this will give you a good enough idea.


Patriot 35s Compact

Customer Price: $216.00
Cost of Goods: $76.58

Net Margin: $139.42
Distributor Profit: $97.59

Freedom 52r Original

Customer Price: $399.00
Cost of Goods: $122.87

Net Margin: $276.13
Distributor Profit: $193.29

Guardian Tactical Frame

Customer Price: $249.00
Cost of Goods: $98.15

Net Margin: $150.85
Distributor Profit: $105.60

6′ Tactical Mantle

Customer Price: $697.00
Cost of Goods: $342.39

Net Margin: $354.61
Distributor Profit: $248.23

Guardian Max Tactical Mirror

Customer Price: $597.00
Cost of Goods: $219.20

Net Margin: $377.80
Distributor Profit: $264.46

Tactical Clock

Customer Price: $297.00
Cost of Goods: $135.38

Net Margin: $161.12
Distributor Profit: $112.78

Tactical End Table

Customer Price: $397.00
Cost of Goods: $152.69

Net Margin: $244.31
Distributor Profit: $171.02

Here’s some interesting sales facts about these products…
  1. Over 20% of people buy more than one unit on their first sale. Double commissions!
  2. Most of your sales will come from word of mouth. You sell to Bob. He shows his friends. They contact you. This product lends itself to showing off.
  3. About 10% of your customers will want something custom. We’ll do that within reason, but it won’t be cheap. Your average commission on that would be between$400-$1500.
  4. Over 50% of our total revenue comes from repeat customers. This means your customers should continue to buy from you over and over again without you having to do anything.
  5. We release 3-6 new products a year so you’ll always have something new and exciting to show your customers. This creates a surge in sales

Best of all…
You don’t have to manufacture the product…we do that for you!
You don’t have to stock hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory…
we do that for you!
You don’t have to pay employees…we pay that for you!
You don’t have to pay rent on a massive warehouse…we pay that for you!
You don’t have to package and ship the product…we do that for you!
You don’t have to service the customer…we do that for you!

How Do You Get Started

Like we mentioned in our video, you need to be approved. Rest assured while you’re reading this our team is reviewing your application. Make sure to watch your phone for a text message or an email from us because we might have additional questions. Please be patient. We get hundreds of applications a week. This isn’t marketing hype; this is 100% true. We’ll be in touch and thank you for your interest.